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To help our consutation be most effective, please provide the information below. Thank you!


Preferred Method of Contact


Do you rent or own?

How many people live with you?

Do you use a planner or calendar?


Do you consider yourself an organized person?
Do you often spend time searching for things you need?
Do you systematically purge paper and other belongings?
Do you utilize To Do lists?
Are you frequently late?
Do you hang onto a lot of things for sentimental reasons?
Do you have a tendency to let things pile up?
Are you a collector?
Do you love to save magazine, newspapers, articles, books, and old course materials?
Do you keep things just in case you need them again in the future?
Are you a highly visual person who needs to keep everything in sight?
Is it difficult for you to part with items even though they have outlived their usefulness?
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